Do You Want More Customers, Control, Clarity and Cash Out of Your Business?


  • CUSTOMERS – Target the right clients
  • CONTROL – Organize and structure your business
  • CLARITY – Make the right decisions quickly and easily
  • CASH – Improve profitability and productivity

Building Solid Foundations offers this incredible opportunity to learn and apply the same principles used by the most successful companies and business leaders to every aspect of your business. You too can use business leadership methods usually reserved for top level business leaders. Learn the secrets that the CEO’s of major companies and successful entrepreneurs use that set them apart. Learn how to put your business to work for you.

Each Leadership Forum is limited to a small number of select business leaders.

Click Here to Apply For Membership in a Leadership Forum Now

Six Months of membership in a Leadership Forum group (includes): $2,500
Peer to peer “mastermind” style discussion session at each meeting with other business leaders focused on problem solving, goal setting and achievement, idea sharing, brain storming   Inc
Business education in business management best practices, entity formation, organizational development, basic legal issues, risk management, strategic planning and financial control.   Inc
Leadership development to improve your leadership skills and move beyond working as an employee or manager in your business. Learn how to confidently delegate and motivate; learn techniques to work with and handle conflicts with various types of people with whom you work with daily.   Inc
Determine your ideal target client and the right marketing strategies to reach them. Eliminate wasted marketing money reaching the wrong people through the wrong media and methods.   Inc
Goal setting and tracking with a focus on results. Work with your peer to peer Leadership Forum group to set and achieve the right long term goals, short term goals and daily objectives.   Inc
Business Coaching within the Leadership Forum by Steve Matley, who will personally organize and facilitate each Leadership Forum group.   Inc
Business Education and Best Practices Resources
Statement of Intent and Values Worksheets and Instruction $500
Statement of Vision Long Range Goal Setting Worksheets and Instruction $500
Business Organization Worksheet $200
Business Strategic Planning Flowchart and Activity Tracker $100
Target Client Worksheet $300
Business Entity Formation Guide $100
Conflict Management Style Assessment Tool $500
Total Education and Bet Practice Resources $2,100
Total Value $4,700